
It is said that you can only rely on yourself but it is not true.
Because I can not trust myself since I fell for you.
It is said that one should not believe in fairy tales which I have never done.
But somehow you got me to believe that I was inside one.
But it is also said that fairy tales have happy endings and a prince charming.
but hey Prince Charming, I do not think you had so much to bring.

live your fairy tale, but live it without me.
Behave exactly how you want but let me be.
marry some idiot just as stupid as you.
baby for you I will never say I do

Är hemma idag så sitter och skriver lite. Kollar på days med vilket är rätt awesome.
Fast jag är hungriiiiig :P

Postat av: Troyenya

really enjoyed the site even learnt a few things on the way, keep up the good work.

2011-05-24 @ 21:22:25

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